Loksound v5 cv list. Current Rating - Avg 1.
Loksound v5 cv list List of all supported CVs The following pages provide a list of all CVs of LokSound decoders. EMD 12-645E 2EXH NT Ed3 H0 N XL L M4. They are all Three Truck Shays and I only need to figure out how to manage the chuff 96819 - LokSound 5 micro ; F Functions. io> On Behalf Of mcdougle1979 Sent: Saturday, September 7, 2019 3:29 AM To: jmriusers@groups. Of course LokSound mfx decoders Even JMRI can't really do it, because JMRI doesn't really know what the default CV map is for every single sound file. Chuck Johnstone. CV48 still stays at 000. I believe CV 7 is a version number, probably also read only. If CV 29, Bit 5 is cleared, the decoder listens to the primary address stored in CV 1. Crew; Posts: 105; Respect: +21; Re: Esu loksound v5 micro issue. This will set the CVs to the values listed as default in the LokSound Manual, which differ in some cases with the values programmed into the decoder for a given locomotive sound. CV 58 determines the gear factor of the locomotive. Where can I find this? I've been looking and just function keys with the added CV 21 and 22. mobile station or central station). 0 LokSound V4. Drive the locomotive forward at speed step 10 and observe the drive wheels. 72 12. LS5. Edition, March 2019 P/N 51989 From Decoder Firmware 5. ESU 58821, LokSound 5 DCC Direct, Board Style Sound Decoder, HO Scale *Programmed with the sound file of your choice Will Work for Scales: HO, O. There are so many that they use indexed CV registers, and CV31 and 32 are index registers which need to be pre-set before programming the actual CV. Its address and page indicates it is indeed something to do with sound slot 4 - there is room for 8 CVs for each sound slot, one of which is volume. control unit 6020, 6021) or the new mfx-data format (e. I also purchased a couple of those new ESU Loksound V5 decoders with the built in Power Pack which is really nice. 3. When I try that I get 'Programmer error: no acknowledgement from locomotive (308). Auxiliary registers exist for control panels that can only program the CVs from 1-255. The complete text description of the sound file will list the horn and bell choices. 3、Consist address Consist Addressing is similar to Short Addressing in that it can accept values from 1-128. io Subject: Re: [Loksound] Enable Stay Alive using Decoder Pro - Loksound v5 I intend to build my own stay alive. ESU LokPilot & LokSound Connection Diagrams The manuals for ESU decoders include a Sound files. Directional headlights F1. For changing the default bell, change the value of CV 164. I do not, in any way, want to offend those who prefer LokSound over SoundTraxx. Please make sure your DCC system is set to run on 128 speed steps to obtain the very best results from this decoder. I am not interested in all the things you can do with LokSound at all! That's not part of my SIG. £97. S0812 - LokSound 5 DCC ; F Demo sound and Functions. The Auto Tune feature allows all ten to be adjusted by the decoder software, perfectly matching the motor It uses a loksound v5 micro next 18 chip )And in the instructions for the stay alive it has some CV's to change to let the decoder know it has one and how long it should run. Due to the combination of the digital decoder and the sound module on one circuit board we achieve the smallest possible dimensions of 30 mm x 15. To start off I just used CV 181 Brake 3, and set all the other new braking CVs 179 through 184 to 0. Like all products of the LokSound family the LokSound 5 L is a true multi protocol decoder. Last winter I installed a LokSound v5 with their 16-645E files into an old Atlas GP38 and it worked good enough without any tuning (ordered it pre-loaded). Fore sure there will also be an appropriate sound for your locomotive. A sound file that has the features will tell you in the file name, ex. The decoder would not accept the CV changes. All LokSound decoders, other than those crappy Essential Sound Units, You can't just put a v4/v5 project on a select. It masters all DCC programming modes and thanks to RailCom® the CV values can be LokSound mfx decoders are suitable for most digital command control systems that either work with the Märklin Motorola data format (e. WalthersMainline ESU CV List Page: 1 of 5 WalthersMainline ESU sound & DCC decoder CV list Page CV Technical Name Description Comment Mention Users Manual Bit Value Minimum Maximum Access 1 prot. These include more sound channels, esu, loksound v5, dcc sound decoder. Function Sound slot CV Range Default Random sounds - 451 0 – 128 128 Brake sound - 459 0 – 128 128 Before you change any of the volume control CVs, please make sure that the CV 32 is The LokSound 5 DCC decoder by ESU is a versatile digital decoder integrating a full-featured, 10 channel sound system, various lighting outputs and a 1. Article numbers:S0037 Last change: 9/27/2024 Manufacturer: ESU The dieselhydraulic V100 (1968 BR 110 – 115, ab 1992 BR 201 – 204, 293) had been developed by VEB Lokomotivbau „Karl Marx“ for GDR state railway DR But these sound slots and volume cv’s with a ESU LokSound 5 decoder really has me frustrated. • Playable whistle: The LokSound Select supports a very fast re-sponding whistle function. The sound function also features an automatic release of br. Programming the Select was not an easy task. B. This decoder supports all DCC programming modes and thanks to RailCom® you may read out the CV values on the main, All LokSound 5 models of ESU LokPilot and LokSound decoders can have a "Keep-Alive" capacitor installed to improve performance. LokSound 5 micro DCC Direct The LokSound 5 micro DCC Direct has been specially developed for installation in Spur N vehicles of the Atlas and Intermountain brands. Ditchlights F7 LokSound 5 Fx decoders are offered with an 8-pole interface according to NEM652 or a 21MTC cutting point and always come with an 11 x 15 mm "sugar cube" loudspeaker and sound capsule kit. I can read and change the CV’s and there is the usual, slight, motor judder when ESU 58429 LokSound V5 DCC, 21MTC NEM652 (NMRA 21-pin Socket Connector) Sound Decoder 30mm x 15. Was able to immediately get the sounds and volumes I was looking for. I've tried at other times too. com 90484. Crew; Posts I find that I have to change CV's in the "manual CV input" section for them to keep. Version 4 decoders (including select) have dynamic braking by default and also include the independent brake as long as the sound file is equipped with Full Throttle features. I often Google "Loksound CV list" to no success. ESU Loksound CV List. io Sent: Wednesday, 10 Feb, 2021 At 18:55 Subject: [Loksound] Setting CV249 - chuff sound Hello Gents, I have managed to get three locomotives working quite well. tbl. spd. Randomly it would start However the manual indicates individual volumes also involve sound slots, and that more information is available on ESU website about sound slots. Momentum multiplier (CV 3 and 4) is 0. Each function button is linked to a CV in With LokSound you may dim the lamps in 15 steps to which any number of events may be combined. Please use the same mounting method as the Manufacturer´s light board. You can also do this with any other category of function too This decoder supports all DCC programming modes and thanks to RailCom® you may read out the CV values on the main, ESU LokSound Micro V5. I have a NCE Power Cab currently but one day I'll upgrade to JMRI. The LokSound V5 DCC Direct is a "direct" circuit board replacement type decoder. Out of the box, it has a single chime blatt horn, which is not even on the Loksound horn selections. 3 Last change: 11/13/2024 Manufacturer: Atlas Atlas HO Scale FM H24-66 Trainmaster www. 147. I don't know or care if it was on the prototype. Recently a friend had a factory equipped LokSound 5 engine that I test ran for him on my DCC layout. 3. Indexed CV Access. Call us at 1-888-762-6872. Go to the ESU USA web site and download the technical reference manual for the LokSound Select decoders. I would like to know how this is done , so any help would be great, Thanks Nigel, the sound slot is 12 on v5 it's 5 on v4 can't find the cv for it. Thanks to RailCom®, it is possible to read out the The way I was doing it is using lok programmer application and saving out CV list file and then opening up in Decoder Pro which I heard you could do. 0 DCC ~ Blank Decoder ~ 8 Pin The LokSound 5 is the most important member of the LokSound family. Coupler F4. Technical Data for LokSound Select and LokSound V4. Building your own power pack means CV Readback Yes Silent Running (HF) Yes Dither Yes Kick Start Yes Momentum Yes Function Information # of Functions 10 Function Amps 250mA Are LokSound v4 Sound Files compatible with Loksound V5 Multifunction Decoders? Rapido Sound Files for LokSound Multifunction Decoders; Search for more LokSound 5 DCC FAQs. See Also. Fullscreen Mode. I've been looking for instructions on changing the horn, but find nothing. Programming alternating ditch lights: Set CV 113 to 127; CV 114 to 127; CV 115 to 223;CV 116 to 239; CV 141 to 13; CV 144 to 14; CV153 to 48; CV156 to Feature Loksound Select Loksound V 4. Decoder Pro has possibly not been updated for the CV listing you need to adjust the ditch lights, but the LokSound manual will explain how to do it, and it's going to involve several CVs that Decoder Pro probably doesn't support. Yesterday I bought a Loksound V5 sound decoder for a Bachman 37. 0 and Loksound 5, one needs to set CV182, 183 or 184 for the Brake function mapped to Dynamic Brake to 126 in the Loksound 5 and then match the braking rate CV179 (in the V4. LokSound ® Select Sound-Decoders Congratulations on purchasing an Atlas N, HO, or 2-rail O-scale Gold Series locomotive that is equipped with an ESU LokSound ® Select sound-decoder, an easy-to–use, versatile, and feature-packed Dual-Mode (DC or DCC) sound-decoder. LokSound 5 LokSound 5 micro LokSound 5 micro DCC Direct LokSound 5 micro DCC Kato LokSound 5 micro DCC Kato USA LokSound 5 Nano LokSound 5 L Index CV access . I'd go to CV48 on programming track mode, and try changing value from 000 to 9, or 13, or add value of 64 for fast bell, and than add the horn CV number from 9 or 13, or 73 to 77 and had no luck. Has anyone done an update for V5?-- Talmadge C 'TC' Carr Sn42 and 35n42 somewhere in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest Instruction Manual 8. Brand new in original packaging. It masters all DCC programming modes and thanks to RailCom® the CV values can be read out on the main track with suitable control panels. Wm. Horn F3. It worked great until one day while driving it back and forth on my test track connected to the LokProgrammer it began acting strange. Nevertheless, I thought it might be helpful to write a document that explains at least the theory of how one goes about programming LokSound function keys without a LokProgrammer, using some common programming examples. 5 (mm) Functions - 10 0. I have done this a few times before with a V4, but the V5 seems to be a different set up. 0 Loksound V 5. 0. 00 from Coastal DCC Your Online The LokSound 5 micro is a “little wonder”: With only 21mmx10mm footprint, it is by far one of the smallest LokSound decoders we’ve ever built. Then I set the braking function to F7 (matches my roster) and made 2 rows for it in the map per Michael P's guide. None of the V5 manuals I downloaded lists the PM volume control. The CV 48 was 0 at default with the single chime horn. Does anybody know the actual CV command sequence to change In this ESU Tutorial I explain how to add a horn from the Template Pack into the horn list of a new Version 5 (V5) decoder. I can read the CV fine, but I can't write it. ) Loksound V5 CV3/CV4 max value. And SoundTraxx has an advantage in steam, particularly with narrow gauge and big steam. 0 decoder) to the braking rate set by the respective brake function CV, ie. atlasrr. 6 mm x 8. After insulating the three ‘power pack’ (stay alive) wires and fitting the decoder to the loco I placed it on the programming track to set the address. DR V100 H0 N XL L M4. Aux F6. Article numbers:S0828; Last change: 9/10/2024; Manufacturer: ESU; The EMD 645 family of diesel engines were designed and manufactured by the We know for sure that electronic components need a comprehensive service and we turn our attention to you as a customer! We would like you to be satisfied with our products and see it as an enrichment for your hobby! I am still on my learning curve of altering CV's, and one area that I would like to tackle is how to increase or decrease the CV's that control volume. LokSound V4. They only respond in6 14 speed steps - feature a full list of values and instructions are available on line at www. 1 Reading / Canadian Pacific Page 94 of the manual does not list the PM sound. H0 N XL L M4 Article numbers 91471 Last change 9/7/2016 Manufacturer Intermountain. Its integral PowerPack matching the increased motor power assures reliable operation even on dirty tracks. Why Buy From Us | Order Status | Your Account | Wish List | Newsletter | Shopping Cart. ESU - LokSound v5. I understand you are working with a LokSound V5 decoder but there might be a second CV that needs to be re-valued. Also for: Ghb dd-1. In some ESU loksound forums there are complaints that the English translation is not quite up to snuff. 25. I The LokSound 5 micro is a “little wonder”: With only 21mmx10mm footprint, it is by far one of the smallest LokSound decoders we’ve ever built. Doing a ctrl F find function for 259 has a bunch of other references, but not the PM volume CV. 0 Home » Products » ESU » LokSound v5. download the ESU programming software whether you have the ESU Programmer or not and use the menu selection to show a list of CV's and data values for a particular function. Place the locomotive on the program track (LokSound decoders do not require a the "Horn Selection" CV For Loksound 5 decoders is typically CV 163 NB that it is entirely possible to download and install the LokProrammer Software for FREE without having View and Download Esu LokSound 5 DCC instruction manual online. I'm using an NCE Procab system and had no trouble changing the airhorn CV on another Bowser RS3 with a LokSound V5. For this decoder the CV is 323. LokSound 5 LokSound 5 micro LokSound 5 L LokSound 5 XL LokSound 5 I've been on the Atlas site, the ESU site. 2 mm , ESU - LokSound v5 Nano DCC (58923) £100. To give you a peek behind the scenes, LokSound decoders have hundreds (thoudsands?) of CVs. Set CV 58 to 43. If you have any questions or feedback regarding this advice, please feel free to contact us at salesuk@dccconcepts. I've changed sound levels, reprogrammed the function map, etc, all with no problem. I just primarily model diesels, and I want the best most realistic diesel decoders on the market. European modellers are more likely to be using some form of automation, requiring much more exact stopping distances or times. But I couldn’t find the information in the Loksound V5 Manual. 0 ~ DCC Direct Kato Decoder ~ N Scale ~ 58741; ESU ~ LokSound Micro V5. Atlas FM H24-66 Trainmaster H0 N XL L M4. Current Rating - Avg 5 Amps Connector - Screw Terminal Size - 51 x 40 x 14 (mm) Functions - 12 0. Decoder type: LokSound V5 DCC CV1 Address:03 Speed Steps: 28/128 Speaker: 4 Ohms For full details of the decoder please refer to information sheets on LokSound V5 DCC available from www. You DO NOT have to worry about CV's 31 and 32 when Page 94 of the manual does not list the PM sound. Seemed to be working ok. 0 LokPilot Can be modified w/ LokProgrammer Yes Yes Yes Yes Rated Speaker Impedance 4 Ohms 4 Ohms 4 Ohms N /A Audio Quality 8 bit 8 bit 16 bit N/A Rated Output in Watts 1 Watt 1 Watt 2 Watts Simultaneous Audio Channels 8 channels 8 channels 10 channels N/A LokSound Select decoders offer the following unique features: • Multiple whistle and horns: Each LokSound Select offers many whistle & horns. I've mapped a separate function (F4/5/6 in my case) to each CV so engineers brake using function keys - a poor approximation of the PT for my Digitrax throttles. 2, 90484. So the manual really doesn’t say how to do what I would think would be a fairly common thing most would want to do. io <jmriusers@groups. 16. 1mm x 3mm is a pure DCC decoder and comes without a loudspeaker. 6. I bumped the Bass and Treble You can mix the non sound v5 LokPilot with the V5 LokSound decoder and all loco control features (momentum, braking, notch up, notch down, coasting) work fully with both in the same consist. The full list is shown in the list on the following page, but some of the common after setting CV 31 = 16 and CV32 = 1 . 0 LokSound micro V4. nmra. (I tried several times. track the Lokprogrammer reports that "no supported decoder. The first step I understand and it's documented in the LokSound 5 manual. CV179, 180 or 181 in the Loksound 5. 5 x 5. List of all supported CVs CV Name Description Range Value 112 Frequency for Flashing light effects Flashing frequency for Strobe lighting effects. 128 LokPilot 5 LokPilot 5 DCC LokPilot 5 micro LokPilot 5 micro DCC As with all LokSound Select Steam Files there are 16 available whistles, which can be changed using CV 48. uk For Best Results. They simpler model is the Loksound v5 DCC, which as the name implies, speaks just DCC, not Marklin/Motorola, Selectrix, and M4. Primary Address Normally you would control LokSound decoders with the short address that is stored in CV 1. y - I'd have to look stuff up to determine their purpose). Yorkshire Dave Western Thunderer. Logged Vaderta. 4、Decoder lock Decoder Lock is used when a locomotive has 2 or more decoders in it. Must have read the CV list wrong, that did raise the volume. Testing CV settings and Tone Control of ESU LokSound v5 decoder with Tang Band TO-2008s speaker in a cheap Bachmann HO Alco FA. co. (A V4 definition/roster entry has "only" 1016 CVs and 4410 Variables. VAT. LokSound v5 XL. 0 and Select and offers numerous improvements and upgrades. 14 to 128 driving steps are as self-evident as 2- and 4-digit addresses. Does the decoder treat that as The LokSound 5 is equipped with a multi-pin connector and is supplied ex works with an adapter board featuring solder pads. K. Operational modes The LokSound 5 micro DCC Direct Kato Japan is a "pure-bred" DCC decoder. Page 67 motor control value CV 257 CV 273 CV 289 CV 305 Alternatively, you can also use the LokProgrammer to activate AUX4 in stance as well as while driving in both directions, as shown in Figure 38th Figure 38: Settings for C-Sinus Furthermore, the serial interface (SUSI) has for some models are enabled because the built-in control electronics there lacked their stuffing here What CV changes do I need to make to accomplish this? @Alex The default functions on the LokSound V5 are as follows: F0. Note: Please make sure that Index CV 32 is set to 1 and Index CV 31 is set to value 16 before you change any of the sound volume CVs. 609inch) For Gauge: Operating Modes The V5 decoder supports all DCC programming modes and thanks to RailCom you may read out the CV values on the main, ESU 58420 LokSound V5 DCC NEM652 8pin NMRA DCC Sound Decoder. [Loksound] ESU loksound micro v5-- can't write new sound data ESU 58721 LokSound V5 Micro Direct DCC Decoder. If CV 29, Bit 5 is set, the decoder listens to the extended address stored in CV 17 AND CV 18. Requires a speaker (not included). It has to be, because it is intended for use in large scale model railways, e. LokSound 5 LokSound 5 micro LokSound 5 L LokSound 5 XL LokSound 5 Locomotives with LokSound Select Sound-Decoder Table 1 – DCC Function Key Operation for Atlas Gold Series Locomotives with ESU LokSound Select Sound-Decoders Function Key Locomotive Behavior when Press Function Key Volume CV (i f applicable) F0 Front headlight and rear headlight are directional. 0 M4 LokSound V4. Register for Newsletters! Register. In the V4 manual the function mapping shows 24 sound slots, with 8 in each of O , P , Q and the values required for the control CV. I can't find them anywhere and would like know where to look for them. Conditions block SoundTraxx decoders are nice, they're just not on the same level as ESU LokSound V5. I want to have the forward and rear lights on for DPU operations. 1, 90484. 6K views 2 replies 2 participants last post by beepjuice Feb 22, 2023. With the ever-increasing number of CVs in an ESU LokSound decoder, the LokProgrammer provides a rapid method of reading and writing to the From: jmriusers@groups. Page 25 Figure. io Subject: [jmriusers] LokSound v5 issues Installed and tested v5 decoders. 50 inc. 267 and 16. y and 1. Momentum CVs 3 and 4 have a multiplier of 0. LokSound V5 DCC Sound Chip Designed specifically for the accurascale Class 37 locomotive with ‘Original’ Engine Configuration, this decoder works seamlessly with the onboard lighting, PowerPack stay-alive system and dual speaker configuration to reproduce the characteristic sound and function of the locomotive at wor The LokSound 5 micro is a "little wonder": With only 21mmx10mm footprint, it is by far the smallest LokSound decoder we've ever built. ----- Original Message -----From: "Keith Stamper" <csrr70@> To: Loksound@groups. 267 (skip over the ones starting 0. So, yes I solder my TCS Keep Alive's to my Loksound decoders and plan to not change CV's. 60. Page 94 of the manual does not list the PM sound. Probably 95% of modelers would be fine with Econami. Inobu. Function Mapping Chart. Article numbers:22451; F2 & F9 air horns selection (air horn #1 = CV 163 value 0 / air horn #2 = CV 163 value 1) H0 N XL L M4 Article numbers 22451 Last change 11/4/2024 Manufacturer ESU. Auto Tune. 73450-LSSelect-Diesel-EMD-16cyl I'd go to CV48 on programming track mode, and try changing value from 000 to 9, or 13, or add value of 64 for fast bell, and than add the horn CV number from 9 or 13, or 73 to 77 and had no luck. This is the root cause of the problem. For example, it says cv 299 is the volume of the compressor. 4. 0 file. The v5 DCC decoders still have the same CV 2-6-5. Aux 1+ Aux 2. 0 version, now I am looking at the CV to change the horn type, I taught I read that it was CV 48 but that did nothing, I need the K3 horn, I would hope that in the downloaded file, there is Set CV 8 to 8. ESU 58420 LokSound V5. adr. The Load Control has 10 CVs to tune it. This will be the sticking point. ) I placed it on the track, selected it (address "3") and once tested back/forth, whistles/etc I set about programming on the main to add momentum to eliminate the jack rabbit starts/stops. pri Primary locomotive address Yes 3 1 127 rw 2 mot. Please refer to LokSound Select Diesel "Gallopping Goose", Gauge 0, H0: 73412: 73712: 73812: LokSound Select Author Topic: Esu loksound v5 micro issue. 0 version, now I am looking at the CV to change the horn type, I taught I read that it was CV 48 but that did nothing, I need the K3 horn, I would hope that in the downloaded file, there is Hi all, I downloaded the sound file of Alco S4 on an ESU MIcro 5. Multiple of 0. Dynamic brake F5. Choose the text file you exported from LokProgrammer and wait until the import is finished. what you LokSound fans would think is crazy, I took the decoder out and put in a Tsunami2 EMD. Short of purchasing a LokProgrammer, I would suggest contacting ESU directly and posing the question to them. Edition, May 2012 P/N 51972 From firmware 4. 10 MTU 12V 652 TA H0 N XL L M4. ) With the LokSound 5 Nano DCC, ESU has succeeded in developing an even smaller LokSound decoder: With only 19. Jump to Latest 4. Vaderta. Many manufacturers equip their locomotives with ESU OEM decoders at the factory, their locomotive specific programming can be modified using the LokProgrammer. In my opinion, to match the dynamic braking of Loksound V4. The LokSound 5 DCC Direct is one of our most popular decoders and one we use in many of our shop installations. I’m not aware of any effects of trying to write to it. 621 posts · Joined 2014 Add to quote; Only show this user #1 · Feb 22, 2023. dcruz@> wrote: Does anyone know where do we set (CV Values) the Decelaration rate for the Independant Brake and the Decelaration Rate for the Dynamic Brake on the new V5 Speed curve through CV 67 - 94 0 16 5 Short addresses (CV 1) in DCC mode Long addresses (CV 17 + 18) in DCC mode 0 32 CV Name Description Range Default 31 Index register H Should be either “0” or “16” for LokSound Decoders 16 16 32 Index register L CV 32=0 if accessing CVs 1- 255, CV 31=1,2,3 if accessing CVs 257-511 0 - 4 0 49 Extended Instruction Manual 15. 065536 seconds. Edition, November 2022 P/N 51989 From Decoder Firmware 5. This new line of decoders was built on the success of the V4. This requires the LokProgrammer Note: Please make sure that Index CV 32 is set to 1 and Index CV 31 is set to value 16 before you change any of the sound volume CVs. 6mm x 14. It masters all DCC programming modes and thanks to RailCom® the CV values can be read out on the main track with suitable control panels. The LokSound 5 is the most important member of the LokSound family. The Loksound v5 decoders allow cumulative braking where the rates in CV 179/180/181 are summed and used to brake the locomotive. 0 Blank wires only With Sugar Cube Speaker 11mm x 15mm. All sounds can be changed with CV48 and your Command Station. See The LokSound 5 DCC Direct is unique as it was designed to fit in multiple brands of loco- motives. 5A motor controller. 267 is CV31=16, CV32=0 CV267= value in column The complete text description of the sound file will list the horn and bell choices. bachmann. The LokSound 5 XL decoder is quite a big piece of equipment. Because your locomotive is equipped with the new LokSound V5 decoder, if you wish to change the default horn, you can do so by changing CV 163. io] On Behalf Of Alan Pearce via groups. ESU LokSound 4 Decoder CV List. I have looked at YouTube and see quite a few people (mostly American) altering MASTER VOLUME CV, or HORN VOLUME CV , etc. (Read 1179 times) 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. Any ideas? Edited August 2, 2020 by Kaput. My V4's are fine and the CV can be changed no problems. could be detected" which seems odd given that the loco has a Loksound XL V5 and has been working correctly on DCC track. beepjuice Discussion starter. Leave this field empty if you're human: coder can only respond to one address at a time. Please can anyone explain how to move, eg. Declaration of Conformity We, ESU electronic solutions ulm GmbH & Co KG, Industriestrasse 5, D-89081 Ulm, declare in sole responsibility that the products to 4 Speed curve through CV 2, 6, 5 Speed curve through CV 67 - 94 0 16 5 Short addresses (CV 1) in DCC mode Long addresses (CV 17 + 18) in DCC mode 0 32 CV Name Description Range Default 31 Index register H Should be either “0” or “16” for LokSound Decoders 16 16 32 Index register L CV 32=0 if accessing CVs 1- 255, CV 31=1,2,3 if Instruction manual 4. The CVs ranging from 257 – 511 are “indexed”. (Tools: Export CV list) Then go to JMRI Decoder Pro and import it in and write it. 5A each This decoder supports all DCC programming modes and thanks to RailCom® you may read out the CV values on the main, The LokSound 5 micro DCC Direct Kato Japan with its dimensions of 27. Difficulties with new LOKSOUND V5 MICRO S0761 Decoder Ryan. This allows an easier adjustment to your model. All Messages By This Member #33014 I just realized the Loksound V5 manual states that the max value in CV3 and CV4 is 63. RailCom; Speed curve through CV 67 - 94 0 16 5 Short addresses (CV 1) in DCC mode Long addresses (CV 17 + 18) in DCC mode 0 32 CV Name Description Range Default 31 Index register H Should be either “0” or “16” for LokSound Decoders 16 16 32 Index register L CV 32=0 if accessing CVs 1- 255, CV 31=1,2,3 if accessing CVs 257-511 0 - 4 0 49 Extended 4 1. The Pulse Width Modulation frequency ranges from 10 to 50 kHz for silent operation, with a benefit particularly for coreless motors. Thus it should fit into all N gauge and TT vehicles, but is also suitable for small H0 vehicles. Article numbers:91442; This will give you a list of every CV you changed and the value of each to enter into the Powercab to change the CV to the value you changed it to in the software. While it is possible to manually program them one-a-time, it is very cumbersome. 5 mm. 2. 14 (Function Mapping) user manual LokSound / LokSoundXL V3, 1st edition, Instruction manual 4. The LokSound 5 software controlling the motor operation has been further refined. This should be done in increments of 1 or 2. 5 Amps Size - 30. ESU 58923 ~ LokSound V5 Nano ~ Blank DCC Sound Decoder ~ With Wires With the LokSound 5 Nano DCC, fully automatically at a suitable digital center. The video demonstrates a custom sound flow for coupling and uncoupling sounds using the Uncoupling cycle logic in Loksound V5 DCC decoders Shelton, On 14 Dec 2019, at 8:40 AM, Shelton D Cruz <shelton. sound slot 16 from F14 to work off F4? New Loksound turbo EMD decoder wired up, controls the model great except the prime mover volume is so low I can't even tell what the sound is supposed to be other than some background noise that changes slightly as the speed increases. V5 is a couple of orders of magnitude more difficult to understand that v4. T ESU - LokSound v5 Micro Next18 (58818) £100. Is that correct? I set both to 255 in my engines. modes and thanks to RailCom® the CV values can be read out on From: Loksound@groups. Adjusting the braking sound threshold The LokSound decoder is able to play a wheel-synchron brake sound. CV 29 has a default value of 6, so to enable the 4-Digit Address just add a value of 32 and pro-gram the resulting value of 38 into CV 29. I have a B&M Atlas Master GP40-2 equipped with a Loksound Select V5. Demonstrates a custom braking function in Loksound V5 DCC decoders with 3 brake increment levels. V100. 1. The LokSound decoder has been configured with many functions. ESU ~ LokSound Micro V5. You may find however that you would like different Sounds. g. Link to post Share on other sites. SoundTraxx has a non sound mobile decoder that’s semi compatible with their sound decoders as long as you don’t use any advanced momentum or braking features in the From the LokSound 5 manual: 13. The good news is it seems doable. Connector Add to basket. But CV122 doesn't work. com Sound Choices This Factory equipped LokSound Digital Sound Decoder was built specifically to be correct for the Prototype of the model. In the manual I downloaded from the ESU site CV 113 is identified as the Power Fail Bypass. Not sure what that means, but I don’t think it has to do with the headlight. 189inch x 0. ESU Loksound decoders are quite complex. Changed the speakers over, now the deciders are misbehaving. This is an average value to use as a starting point. I want to change a couple CV's and I'm getting multiple answers to which CV's control what and the values. For the Loksound V5. I have gotten spoiled w/ WOW sound that is very, very easy to change horns. Home: Products: ESU: LokSound V5: 58925 - LokSound 5, Nano DCC E24 interface. This decoder supports all DCC programming modes and thanks to RailCom® you may read out the CV values on the main, provided you have a command station supporting RailCom®. Bell F2. Simon Kelly. Hope this helps. F1 Bell (1st push On ESU Owners Manual: LokSound V5. Atlas Gold Series with Loksound (CV 8= 127) If you have a layout powered by any DCC system that is compatible with the NMRA DCC specifications,read through this section and be up and running with your new Gold Series locomotive in fewer than five minutes. I recently installed a LokSound V5 DCC in an old P2K GP9. LokSound 5 DCC media converter pdf manual download. 2-digit (short) and 4-digit (long) addresses. 25x. 0 ~ DCC Direct Kato Decoder ~ N Scale ~ 58741 ESU the decoders log in fully to a suitable digital center. The multiprotocol version (which suppports Marklin and all sorts of other stuff that is of no use to DCC users) 10. 5 mm x 3. io Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2020 6:27 AM To: Loksound@groups. All LokSound decoders are equipped with a Next18 interface and are available wit The LokProgrammer is for use with ESU's multifunction decoders only. All Open your correctly detected DecoderPro roster entry and from the File menu choose Import->LokProgrammer CV list file. I’m literally interested in either importing a CV list from someone or a basic spreadsheet. (I use NCE. If there are too few, decrease the value of CV 57. Walthers, Inc. Brake sections: LokSound decoders recognize (and respond to) the most common brake systems: besides the Lenz brake generator, the Märklin® brake track is also supported. I can set all other CV's, CV3/4 etc. Circuit protection: the motor output and all function Scroll down the CV list in JMRI for an ESU LokSound V4 (or V5) and you start to find CV's with three numbers and dots between them, such as 16. Current Rating - Avg 1. (Loksound V5 Manual Page 83) and we discover that by adding a "1" to the "Special Config #1" variable of any given Output, as the Walthers SD70ace Function mapping and CV-list documentation match the Loksound 5 Instruction manual PDF as-of 5th April 2020). 896, Shelton, On 14 Dec 2019, at 8:40 AM, Shelton D Cruz <shelton. Please Function List - Class 40 E3248-SF-1910 Sound Fitted Information Sheet Bachmann Europe How can I tell which version of Loksound decoder a locomotive has? I have an Atlas GP40 which the included documentations says it has a v5 ESU Loksound decoder. 0 LokSound XL V4. By just changing one CV, you can select your favorite one. 5mm (1. io [mailto:Loksound@groups. Not sure what that means, but I don't think it has to do with the headlight. As a result, ESU designed indexed CVs to expland the number of CV slots. ESU Loksound V5 shut off ditch light flash Author: NYCStL776. The CV's I'd like to change are what would be in a Maine Central GP38. 25A each This decoder supports all DCC programming modes and thanks to RailCom® you may read out the CV values on the main, This provides direct-to-CV programming and does access CV908. 3-point speed table LokSound 5 DCC, LokSound 5 micro DCC and LokSound 5 L DCC support the NMRA 3-point speed table via CV 2, Buy the ESU 58925 LokSound 5, Nano DCC E24 interface from Reynauld's Euro Imports. com or via the enquiries form on our Contact Us page. 22451 - LokSound 5 ; F Functions. min Starting voltage Yes 3 1 255 rw Wm. CV287, however, isn't documented in the manual. 5 x 15. . Looking for some suggestions from the LokSound fans on this. If there are too many, increase the value of CV 57. CV 29. • CV 164-0 - Steel Bell (Default) • CV 164-1 - Brass Bell • CV 163-0 Nathan M3H (Default) • CV 163-1 Nathan K3L #1 • CV 163-2 Nathan I've been spending a bit of time trying to figure out what CV effects the headlights and tail lights of a loco with a locksound decoder. The V5 manual does not have this. EMD 12cyl 645E (FT) H0 N XL L M4. 91471 - LokSound Select ; F Functions. Hi all, I downloaded the sound file of Alco S4 on an ESU MIcro 5. Download . I set it up the way I like it which involved a massive reordering of the functions such that they align better with the layout of buttons on my PowerCab. 00 from Coastal DCC Your Online Technical data, Appropriate loudspeakers, English Manual. LokSound V5 DCC multifunction decoders are exclusive to the North American and Australian markets. Glad the factory reset worked. Locoman Sounds Black 5 Alternate Version - Function quick reference guide Function Description Volume Control CV F0 Lights - F1 Sound on Chuffs 259 I could do this with the Loksound Select changing CV48. The loco is Intermountain and it has a Loksound decoder. However it seems not all the sound volume CVs seem to match up. This license agreement ("the Agreement") is a legal agreement between you and ESU, LLC ("ESU") for the sound samples ("Sound Samples") and software licensed from this internet site ("Content") as well as other content owned by ESU and its third party licensors that also includes images, mixes and documentation. I'm using DecoderPro for programming though and The LokSound 5 micro is actually a „small miracle“: With a footprint of 21mm x 10 mm it is by far the smallest LokSound decoder, which we have ever built. The objective is to get the Lok Programmer to reread the memory size because it is a 4. Edition, December 2020 P/N 51211 From Decoder Firmware 5. Instruction Manual 5. Operating modes. dcruz@> wrote: Does anyone know where do we set (CV Values) the Decelaration rate for the Independant Brake and the Decelaration Rate for the Dynamic Brake on the new V5 HI, I have a loksound 5 micro and I can't find the cv for coal shovelling as I would like to increase the volume . 0 manual (viewed via the link above) the Master Volume is documented on Page 93 and states it is CV63 with a valid range between 1 & 192 with a default 180 setting The 'Volume CV' column is the CV number that is Issue changing LokSound V5 CV Issue Seems to only affect my LokSound V5's (and it affects at least 3 of the 4 I have). See Table 2 and Table 3. LokSound 5 LokSound 5 Fx LokSound 5 DCC Direct „PowerPack” LokSound 5 micro V5 is a couple of orders of magnitude more difficult to understand that v4. Now with Power Pack wires attached. What is a sound slot and how do you use it? In JMRI, the V5 definition/roster entry has 2035 CVs and 9895 Variables. It supports DCC So I took what I learned on here and tried to match the braking of a V5 to a Select with PT braking. Then use your favorite method of loading the CV's. ESU Loksound v5 decoders have both independent braking and dynamic braking included. Edition, June 2019 P/N 51989 From Decoder Firmware 5. More CVs were needed that 255. This section is a true repertory for fans of sound: Rummage in our steadily growing fund of originial sounds. They are all working great! I get about 5 seconds of power on average when I pick them up off of the layout and sometimes more. I find a bazillion CV's on what I don't need, but nothing on the horns. Article numbers:90484. I find it easiest to directly program CV163 and/or 164 to select the appropriate horn and bell. Round For Best Results. Up to 32 functions can be triggered. 0 Decoders Operational modes NMRA/DCC with 14, 28, 128 speed steps. The V5 seems to be a nightmare to me I don’t have a V-5 but there is no mention of CV 48 or CV 285 in the V5 manual, both of which can control bell rate in the In 2019, ESU Loksound, LLC released the fifth version of their popular DCC decoder line. garden railways and 1 gauge models. Please refer to LokSound Select Diesel "Gallopping Goose", Gauge 0, H0: 73412: 73712: 73812: LokSound Select I'm trying to set CV122=1 on my loksound v5 decoder using JMRI decoder pro. loksound. Decoder: ESU 21MTC Loksound V5 DCC CV1 Address:03 Speed Steps: 28/128 Speaker: 4 Ohms 28mm Dia. min Starting voltage Yes 3 1 255 rw Loksound uses sound configuration CV's to store a value to select what is played in a soundslot when there are multiple options within the soundslot. Which is LokSound V5. To play a brake sound, Damit das Bremsgeräusch abge-spielt wird, there are several conditions necessary: •The braking time in CV 4 is set sufficiently high (at least value 20 or higher). qrzye eccr crslp rdhgh jbdtn riqt zqsh cvdjnl xxnmgr iprd