Postgresql out parameter ref cursor. Add("baz_cursor", dbType: DbType.

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Postgresql out parameter ref cursor Since the cursor is simply returned and isn't dereferenced, Npgsql returns the cursor name itself (unnamed portal 1); you can now fetch I have a very simple stored procedure which has just one output variable as a ref cursor, the ref_cursor is defined to be type ref cursor in the Oracle package named WS_SEARCHTEST. 3. DECLARE ref refcursor := ''willi''; Then the portal will have that name. Hot Network Questions What is the translation of a I have a POSTGRES function that returns a refcursor as output. Each time, a new result set is created for that query A ref cursor is a cursor variable that contains a pointer to a query result set. Cursors can be useful when you deal with large result sets or when you I'm using Ref Cursor as output parameter for PLSQL Procedure. I need to maintain the exact start and end time of proc in log table. I tested this code using an Oracele stored procedure, also with REF_CURSOR. In addition, PostgreSQL has a 1st-class boolean data type which you should use e. The query is treated in . Return results from cursor as table. Stack Overflow. The result like this SELECT board_getallboardcontents(1,1,true,30,1,'KO',1,1,'2016-01-01','2019-06-30',0,false,false) Result of . e. You can then: FETCH ALL FROM "<unnamed portal 1>"; The cursor name is returned from the function as the refcursor result, so you can get it from there. USERNAME%TYPE, emp_cursor OUT SYS_REFCURSOR) AS BEGIN OPEN emp_cursor FOR SELECT emp_seq. 5 in Visual Studio 2008. In order to obtain a ref cursor returned as an OUT param or with a RETURN statement, in both cases we'll have to register an out parameter The cursor variable is opened and given the specified query to execute. Quick Example: DECLARE . So for example: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE emp_by_job ( p_job VARCHAR2, p_emp_refcur IN OUT SYS_REFCURSOR ) IS BEGIN OPEN p_emp_refcur FOR SELECT empno, ename FROM emp WHERE job = p_job; Function with cursor in postgreSQL. are you probably assuming that storing the records in memory would yield better performance? As a matter of fact, When you use a However, a PostgreSQL function can take an OUT parameter as well, meaning that the PostgreSQL function can behave just like some other RDBMS stored procedure. create or replace procedure test(id number,result out varchar2) as begin result := 'Saud'; end; I want call above stored procedure from python. The syntax and supported features of stored procedures are very different between the various database systems. Fetching rows from a cursor PostgreSQL. hibernate. Passing the procedure name dynamically into another procedure with both the procedure having ref_cursor as out parameter. Commented Jul 24, 2018 Introduction to PL/pgSQL Cursor. Can Oracle Ref Cursors only be used with Procedures and Functions? 7. CallableStatement, use the connection parameter escapeSyntaxCallMode with the values call or callIfNoReturn and specify no return parameter. I have a stored proc which is called from a shell script. net OPEN unbound_cursorvar [[NO ] SCROLL ] FOR query; . In the case of generated names that'll be something like <unnamed portal 1>". But if you want to return a table like result, use a set-returning function and use select * from the_function(. I have a scenario in which I want to fetch data from a stored procedure using a reference cursor. 27k 15 15 gold badges 53 53 silver badges 82 82 bronze badges. I had several errors depending on the call; tried also with procedureQuery. REF CURSOR out parameters and It is easier to let psycopg2 do the server side cursor creation work just by naming it:. registration LEFT JOIN "fish-tsg". The result set is determined by executing the OPEN FOR statement using the cursor variable. 6. Modified 5 years, 1 month ago. I am trying to call a STORED PROCEDURE(with a out refcursor parameter) in postgresql through JPA2. Currently I am doing following. The stored procedure call with cursors throws invalid column name exception. escapeSyntaxCallMode = String. PersistenceException: org. Printing the refcursor shows an output similar to this: A B ========== 1 dog 2 cat 3 tiger My question is: How can I e I have a postgres function that returns a refcursor : CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ngfcst. You can use cursor to obtain PgSqlDataReader object and read data from it, or retrieve its name. Let's create a PL/SQL procedure named "display_employee_data" that accepts a cursor variable as an IN OUT parameter. However, an in parameter cannot be changed in the code, but an open cursor would actually change the value; so it must be inout (version 14 and higher it could just be out). Note that to retrieve a result set to which the PostgreSQL® supports two types of stored objects, functions that can return a result value and - starting from v11 - procedures that can perform transaction control. Your PostgreSQL function needs to have an output parameter (read the PG docs or find a tutorial on how to write such a function). Use the compare_schema API to monitor The cursor variable is opened and given the specified query to execute. Types. deptno%TYPE, p_recordset OUT SYS_REFCURSOR ) AS BEGIN OPEN p_recordset FOR SELECT empno, ename FROM emp WHERE deptno = I need some suggestion on how to get the data through PostgreSQL JDBC driver from stored procedures using reference cursors. To fetch the result, we wrap the function call in a transaction (BEGIN, COMMIT) and then use the FETCH ALL IN statement to retrieve the data from each cursor. getString(1); In Oracle: The question is, since when does PostgreSQL support multiple REF_CURSOR? I don't think this was done for fun, so it would be nice to know which version of PostgreSQL starts to support this so that this can be updated in Hibernate. 16 stored procedure with cursor. As in the previous post, I will use IN and OUT parameters in the first and I would like to use cursor in a function with the table name as a function variable, a simple example would be a select query through cursor. I have the code working for SQL Server: DECLARE cliente_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM cliente OPEN cliente_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM cliente_cursor; While @@FETCH_STATUS=0 BEGIN FETCH NEXT FROM cliente_cursor; End CLOSE cliente_cursor DEALLOCATE cliente_cursor And I want to have a Another reason to use FOR UPDATE is that without it, a subsequent WHERE CURRENT OF might fail if the cursor query does not meet the SQL standard's rules for being “ simply updatable ” (in particular, the cursor must reference just one table and not use grouping or ORDER BY). In general, that looks like this:. I use the system column ctid instead to determine the row without knowing the name The body has no RETURN, so the OUT cursor is the only way I have of accessing the result. sql. GetPgSqlCursor method of the PgSqlDataReader object. The dummy code below: Procedure(P1 IN NUMBER, P_REF_CUR OUT oracle-database; plsql; ref-cursor; Kapil. A REF CURSOR is a PL/SQL data type To declare a cursor variable, you use the REF CURSOR is the data type. Refcursors in Postgresql. 21 8 8 bronze badges. A cursor variable is a reference to a cursor, which can be opened, fetched, and closed dynamically at runtime. OPEN FOR query OPEN unbound_cursorvar [[NO ] SCROLL ] FOR query; . Specifies how the driver transforms JDBC escape call syntax into underlying SQL, for invoking procedures or functions. This post helped me a lot. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE P1 (P_ROWS NUMBER,P_SORT VARCHAR2,V_REF OUT SYS_REFCURSOR) AS V_STRT NUMBER; V_END NUMBER; BEGIN I have a requirement to have a IN OUT parameter along with a reference cursor as a return from a stored procedure. 0; this is mentioned in our migration nodes for 3. > record). The query must be a SELECT, or something else that returns rows (such as You can not pass a "table" as a parameter in PL/pgSQL. Dale K. Postgresql Stored Procedures: Using id from one statement in another. country_id, ts FROM "fish-tsg". how to use postgresql function in another function which returns set of Refcursor. The To name the cursor, simply assign a string to the refcursor variable:. ? , direction: Issue using Dapper with C# to call an Oracle stored proc with refcursor as out parameter, however refcursor as return value works Return Values from Dapper. . First, create a view: CREATE VIEW temp_view as SELECT login_event. 3 votes. Stored Procedure has OUT parameter This example demonstrates how to define and open a REF CURSOR variable, and then pass it as a procedure parameter. CREATE PROCEDURE get_employee_by_name @p_name varchar(max), @CUR_OUT cursor VARYING OUTPUT AS BEGIN SET @CUR_OUT = CURSOR FORWARD_ONLY FOR SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE NAME LIKE @p_name + '%'; END GO ``` I'm using postgresql 10. INPUT_TWO%TYPE, -- CHAR O_CURSOR OUT I am running the below mentioned function in PostgreSQL migrated from Oracle( Procedure): CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION proc_get_attachments ( OUT op_user_data refcursor ,OUT op_error_code te 39. setAutoCommit(false); try ( JDBC PostgreSQL REF cursor call and use the cursor value . It will fill the DataSet with the data returned by your cursor. I have written thousands of PL/pgSQL functions and only a hand full of times explicit cursors made any sense. 11. One notable limitation of the current support for a ResultSet created from a refcursor is that even though it is a cursor backed ResultSet, all data will be retrieved and cached on the client. The cursor cannot be open already, and it must have been declared as an unbound cursor variable To return one or more result sets (cursors in terms of PostgreSQL), you have to use refcursor return type. cursor(name='cursor_x') query = "select * from t" cursor. CREATE FUNCTION reffunc1(text) RETURNS refcursor AS ' DECLARE mycursor CURSOR FOR SELECT col FROM test where col=$1; BEGIN OPEN mycursor; RETURN mycursor; END; ' LANGUAGE plpgsql ; I needed to make the returned cursor "WITH HOLD". Hot Network Questions Are NASA computers really that powerful? I want to create a ref cursor type in database, so that I can declare variables of this type in sql developer command window using following statement : variable PO_Ref_Csr_Out RefCursorTyp; In the This example shows how to call Oracle stored procedures with ref_cursor out parameter. You can CLOSE a cursor using a cursor reference, but you can't OPEN a cursor using a cursor reference. Skip to main content. SP_PACKAGE AS TYPE dept_type IS REF CURSOR RETURN HR. I 39. Step1: Define callable statements Database Connector supports the use of callable statements with the format: { call proc_name(p_out_name => :param_name) } or { call procedureName(:param1, :param2, , :paramN) } Refer the documentation for more details : Now while calling from client we can pass this param along with other common parameters without adding any condition to check database type in all over code and internally OracleRefCursorParam will be ignored for non-oracle DB. ten ref cursor OUT parameters, a varchar OUT parameter and returns an integer. Introduction to PL/pgSQL parameter modes. I'm stuck with PostgreSQL communications. Thanks in I have tried fetching the ref cursor parameter using its value, or passing a different value in. In this case, we declare a type to be a REF CURSOR, and use it as an OUT parameter in a stored procedure. SET out_param1 = value See mysql stored-procedure: (1, java. Function with cursor in postgreSQL. INOUT parameters are used similarly as the IN and OUT parameters. CREATE TYPE soh AS (ID integer, I have a stored procedure CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fun_retrieve_vector_receipt_payment_details(character varying, integer, character varying, character varying, character varying, refcursor) RE Using Ref Cursors To Return Recordsets. O_MTG_CURSOR OUT SYS_REFCURSOR that is included as a parameter to call to another stored procedure: GET_MTG(O_MTG_CURSOR ,O_SQLCODE,O_SQLMSG ); When I try to call the same stored procedure in postgres, the cursor is null. If you return a cursor I want to retrieve multiple sys_refcursors from oracle db using dapper. Postgresql: Return Temp Table From a Stored Procedure. bind_arg, bind_arg_2 are bind arguments that pass variables to corresponding placeholders in the SELECT command when the cursor variable is opened. You may need to specify the java type as result set in the parameter definition: #{PLAN_DATA_SEL_CUR, jdbcType=CURSOR, javaType=java. A cursor essentially represents a result set in it's own right, and lets you scroll through it. I am able to access the first object but not rest of object not rest of objects. But this is giving an Exception for register out parameter Please tell what we Have to pass I am using Jpa EclipseLink Implimentation Exception in thread "main" javax. I'd post the full code, but I wrote the data access layer in VB. I want to store the result of fetch into a variable how we can do that in postgresql? i actually want to pass the value obtained from cursor to a procedure as a parameter. DECLARE TYPE customer_t IS REF CURSOR RETURN customers %ROWTYPE; c_customer customer_t; Code language: PostgreSQL SQL dialect The <select> element does not need a resultMap attribute because it is not used here: calling a procedure with out parameters, even if they are cursor/resultSet, is not a SELECT. 137; asked Mar 27, 2018 at 7:31. call_reasons(i_start_date date, i_end_date date, i_intnbr There is absolutely no reason above to declare your PostgreSQL function to return a cursor - you can simply return a table, see the PostgreSQL docs for more info. HibernateException: PostgreSQL supports only one REF_CURSOR parameter, but multiple were registered. Following function returns a cursor bound to a query. Postgres cursor. Thanks in advance for your help! With c9, should PostgreSQL use the value of p_plan_version_id as it is in the DECLARE section, or as it is when you OPEN c9?To resolve this ambiguity, you need to pass both parameters when you open the cursor: DECLARE c9 CURSOR (p_product_code varchar, p_pvi numeric) FOR SELECT product_code, terminal_code, quantity FROM product_stock Ok I figured it out. Unlike a static cursor, a REF CURSOR isn't tied to a particular query. There is no difference between using a type declared as REF CURSOR and using SYS_REFCURSOR, because SYS_REFCURSOR is defined in the STANDARD package as a REF CURSOR in the same way that we declared the type Hi James, below is the procedure that I call using Java code. The query must be a SELECT, or something else that returns rows (such as EXPLAIN). 0, and the discussion is in this issue. The cursor cannot be open already, and it must have been declared as an unbound cursor variable (that is, as a In PL/SQL, Cursor variables, also known as REF CURSORs, provide a dynamic and flexible means to handle query results. The parameter modes determine the behaviors of parameters. NET Implement Cursor From Oracle: "When you declare a cursor variable as the formal parameter of a subprogram that fetches from the cursor variable, you must specify the IN or IN OUT mode. The query Two ways SQL Developer supports this - the GUI and the Code. You can then access it as in the code sample to get the value out. Using an Oracle Data Reader with a ref cursor. The cursor names ("<unnamed portal 1>", Thing is, Internally, a refcursor value is simply the string name of the portal containing the active query for the cursor. How to use a Function Parameter in a Cursor that's incorporated with Dynamic SQL in Postgres Functions? Hot Network Questions Learn how to call a stored procedure with a ref cursor as an out parameter in Mule 4. You should do something like. NET as a ReturnValue Parameter, without using a Stored Function or Procedure? 1 how to use postgresql function in another function which returns set of Refcursor Created this Postgres Function which is working fine, but the actual requirement is to pass the input parameter in the function to the Cursor which uses the dynamic SQL as follows, The below is the PROCEDURE PROC_NAME(param1 in varchar2,param2 in varchar2,results_cursor OUT CURSOR_TYPE); Each row of result is equivalent to an instance of a certain user defined class. It is important that you assign the name before you open the cursor. How to use ref_cursor with user defined function? 0. How to use a Function Parameter in a Cursor that's incorporated with Dynamic SQL in Postgres Functions? 1. In MySQL it can also be done via a SET command. Viewed 652 times 0 . 1. p_ref OUT sys_refcursor ) is begin open p_ref for select id, username from users where username = 1. for testing purpose i am creating this. Purchase As an option you can slightly redesign a procedure and pass the cursor name as a parameter, so the caller always knows which cursor to fetch: (its name Where: name is the identifier of a previously declared cursor variable. Npgsql originally had a feature where it automatically "dereferenced" cursors returned from functions, but this has been removed. By sharing cursor In this tutorial, we will show you how to use PL/pgSQL Cursor and give you some practical examples of using PL/pgSQL cursor. cursor = conn. Here's the answer for others. con. Notice that you can point next_row to a cursor that has not yet been opened. 1 like this: is there a different way of registering the ref cursor in postgresql? where is the problem ? any help is appreciated – Surbhi Puri. Hot Network Questions I will use IN and OUT parameters in the first and REF_CURSOR in the second example. Postgres , handling multiple cursors for one query results. asked Mar 6, 2017 at 13:12. VARCHAR); . spring-data-jpa 1. These are powerful features. Call a FUNCTION from inside a PROCEDURE in PostgreSQL. The parameters passed to the stored proc includes a reference cursor which is being passed as an INOUT parameter. Add("baz_cursor", dbType: DbType. The query must be a SELECT, or something else that returns rows (such as Can we have Cursor Input to PostgreSQL function/stored procedure. From the documentation of PostgreSQL I found that I can use . dynamic_string is a string literal or string variable containing a SELECT command without the terminating semi-colon. At line 14, the next_row cursor reference points to a different cursor. Postgresql functions. How to call stored Procedure with ref cursor as out parameter in Mule 4. procedure GetData2 (p_result out sys_refcursor, p_result2 out sys_refcursor) is begin open p_result for select '1' col1, '2' col2 from dual union all select '11' col1, '22' col2 from dual; open p_result2 for select '3' col1, '4' col2 from dual; end; You should assign a name to the cursor in the defining function, for example: ref_cursor REFCURSOR := 'curs'; Then you use. Insert output of stored procedure into temp table along with parameter. INPUT_ONE%TYPE, -- VARCHAR2 I_INPUT_TWO IN ENTITIES. But if you really want a CURSOR then you have to FETCH rows from it and return the results. Can anyone please provide me a solution to this. Reference request on Sofia Kovalevskaya How can I attach a second subpanel to this main? Elementary consequence of non-abelian class I found a similar example to explain my question as I am new to learning PL/SQL and how a cursor works with a procedure. It is up to the calling code to manage the cursor once Please do not confuse this with Function, its specifically for Stored Procedure. I want to return all columns of the corresponding table and I should use Ref cursor as OUT parameter. Cursors that are not simply updatable might work, or might not, depending on Answer for 1. PL/SQL has two forms of REF CURSOR typeS: strong typed and weak typed REF CURSOR. If at all, you can pass a single record of that type. Hence, you cannot use the special syntax WHERE CURRENT OFcursor. If the subprogram also opens the cursor variable, you must specify the IN OUT mode. 0 from C#. You can use bulk collect and forall instead of insert into select:. I have one stored procedure in postgres which used out parameter. How do i access the data in the reference cursor? Thanks in advance >> Question 3: I want to return a single DataSet with each OUT RefCursor map >> to a DataTable within the DataSet, plus extra OUT parameters for individual >> OUT values. If you create a server side cursor with a function that returns refcursor and fetch rows from the cursor, all returned rows are collected on the server first. If no direction is specified, the default is NEXT. NEXTVAL, USERNAME, PASSWORD, AGE, GENDER FROM YOURTABLE WHERE USERNAME = user_id; EXCEPTION WHEN Npgsql 2. A language sql function declared as returns table() is the correct choice if you want to return a result from a function: I"m converting an oracle stored procedure to Postgres. ODP. Add("foo", "bar"); p. player_id, registration. 112. As the documentation says:. How to call a stored procedure with ref cursor as an output parameter using Spring? 0. Postgresql: how to get names of cursors returned by function? 0. then i tried to add parameters to the first cursor and put it as a record , and fetch it , it worked , but then i have a problem with the return void ( since it an update ) it says not volatile function – In the above example, we created a function called get_multiple_ref_cursors() which opens two ref cursors and returns them one by one using the RETURN NEXT statement. The stored procedure is correctly called, and the result is returned. 0. PersistenceException: Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2. Implicit cursor. 6. You have to returns the results as a SETOF sometype because you can not combine a CURSOR with RETURNS TABLE. Support. login_event USING (player_id) OPEN unbound_cursorvar [[NO ] SCROLL ] FOR query; . But, I can code that (only OUT parameter): create or replace procedure mycur_out(mc OUT Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company How would one go about using Dapper with Oracle stored procedures which return cursors? var p = new DynamicParameters(); p. I did as follows. WS_SEARCHTEST IS TYPE ref_cursor IS REF CURSOR; My procedure: And returns setof ref_cursor means you want to return more than one refcursor which you clearly don't want to do. CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE DB. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE test_sub_procedure( OUT sub_proc_ref_cursor REFCURSOR, IN sub_proc_desc_text varchar ) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE dummy_test timestamp; BEGIN INSERT INTO TEMP_TABLE_TEST_REF_CURSOR VALUES (sub_proc_desc_text); CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE get_employee_details (user_id YOURTABLE. So giving it a null (or making it ignore the value because it's an OUT parameter) leaves the cursor without a name, forcing PostgreSQL to use a default name similar to how unnamed columns in a select are named ?column? by An Oracle stored procedure can return a cursor to the caller, for example: Oracle: -- Get list of employees for the specified department CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE getEmployeesByDept ( p_deptno IN emp. Just cast the value as an OracleDataReader and loop through the OracleDataReader . The following procedure opens a query using a SYS_REFCURSOR output parameter. How to use FETCH depends on the environment I'm migration an application from a Oracle DB to a Postgres DB. FETCH ALL FROM curs; to get all results. With REF_CURSOR I have this exception: javax. persistence. Modified 2 years, 10 months ago. You don't need a CURSOR at all to do this, you don't even need a function. You need to pass values to it. I was able to achieve connecting to PostgreSQL db and call some insert stored procedure (function) which returns couple of out parameterized character varying data type variables. Home. What are your thoughts on the best way to approach this? Break up the stored proc into ten different stored procs that return ref cursors? Thanks, Dennis In PostgreSQL, rather than returning a refcursor, you generally return the data itself - change the function to have RETURNS TABLE instead of RETURNS REFCURSOR (see the docs for more details). The query I am sure there are a ton of other errors in here so if any jump out at you please let me know and save me from the wonderful joys of debugging postgresql. NET? I can call a function with the same structure with a Varchar2-Out-parameter instead of the Ref Cursor without problems Btw, I'm using ODP. ORACLE PACKAGE CODE: postgresql cursor "fetch into" loop doesn't return any data. g. The query Below is the one which worked. How to display the results of a ref Introduction to REF CURSORs. How to use an Oracle Ref Cursor from C# ODP. how A REF CURSOR is a cursor variable that contains a pointer to a query result set returned by an OPEN statement. My PL/SQL code below. create table dept ( dept_id number, name varchar2(40), location varchar2(200) ); CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE HR. Is there a way to call the PostreSQL stored procedue which is returning a REF_CURSOR using SimpleJDBCCall? Stored Procedure has OUT parameter as REF Cursor. SELECT. NET years ago, and the bulk of the code consuming the data access layer (our corporate intranet) is in C#. Oracle Stored Procedure call with cursor fails with Java Spring boot. how to call oracle procedure that has in out cursor. for Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company So is it generally possible to call a function with a Ref Cursor as Out-parameter from C# with ODP. Issue using Dapper with C# to call an Oracle stored proc with refcursor as out parameter, however refcursor as return value works. If you execute your stored procedure from the Code Editor, find the stored procedure in the tree, CREATE FUNCTION foo() RETURNS refcursor LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE ref refcursor WITH HOLD; BEGIN OPEN refcur FOR SELECT some_data FROM some_table RETURN ref; END; $$; The more common problem is to find a way to use Postgres's cursors out of a transaction block. x had a feature whereby it automatically "dereferenced" cursors returned from functions. I used instead of withFunctionName() the withProcedureName() method. Return multiple resultset from a function in Call stored procedure with ref-cursor mode as out parameter via Spring Data JPA and eclipse-link. Improve this question. So your code should look like this: set serveroutput on var rc refcursor; declare mycount number(19); begin sprocvPOP_GetvemployeeByFilter (NULL,NULL,1,10,mycount,:rc); postgresql; function; ref-cursor; Share. The varchar is an error/status message, the integer is a 1/0 for success/failure. The Statement fetch size OPEN unbound_cursorvar [[NO ] SCROLL ] FOR query; . ResultSet, At that point the value of that parameter will be the ref_cursor that the Oracle function returned. Here's the function in postgres: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tibrptsassure. Steps. You can open the same REF CURSOR variable any number of times with the OPEN statement containing different queries. This object also has a Fill() method (inherited from DbDataAdapter). The following shows an example of a strong REF CURSOR. The GUI. I have to retrieve the data returned by the reference cursor after executing the stored proc. FETCH NEXT FROM "<unnamed portal 26>"; If you don't like the name of the cursor, assign a different one inside the function body: process_wise_micro_audit := 'auditcursor'; Maybe the better approach to what you need is to use a view instead of a function. - Readme. First stored function (note, there is no refcursor parameter): CREATE FUNCTION func() RETURNS refcursor AS $$ DECLARE ref refcursor; BEGIN OPEN ref FOR SELECT col FROM test; RETURN ref; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; And then you call it as follows (cursor returns a row with refcursor name): * PostgreSQL Stored Procedures and Functions - Getting Started To return one or more result sets (cursors in terms of PostgreSQL), you have to use refcursor return type. Tighten up excessive line breaks – Aurelius Prochazka. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company To answer your original question, print rc is a SQL*Plus command, so it needs to be outside the PL/SQL block. '[cursor_name]': The This example demonstrates how to define and open a REF CURSOR variable, and then pass it as a procedure parameter. 2. The query is treated in Declaring Ref_cursors are not the only way to return results sets from procedures, take for example MySQL, right now using spring-data-JPA, as far as I know, the only way to return result sets from a procedure is to make this: @query(“ CALL procedure() “ ), because MySQL doesn’t use ref_cursor for result sets. Need to call a Stored Procedure in Postgres DB using JPA's StoredProcedureQuery. execute() and mapping also as REF_CURSOR. How to return out parameter and ref cursor from stored procedure? 6. NET version 2. 10k views. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE sps_detail_dtest(v_refcur OUT sys_refcursor) AS BEGIN OPEN v_refcur FOR 'select * from dummy_table'; END; SET autoprint on; --calling the procedure VAR vcur refcursor; DECLARE BEGIN sps_detail_dtest(vrefcur=>:vcur); END; I'm trying to read a refcursor in an oracle stored procedure using spring data jpa and spring boot, the stored procedure runs succesfully but the reference to the returned List is always null. With the use of a cursor. In PL/SQL, Cursor variables, also known as REF CURSORs, provide a dynamic and flexible means to handle query results. Is there anyway to ignore the OUT parameter of a procedure? How to return out parameter and ref cursor from stored procedure? 2. How to use that out parameter value in python. the underlying JDBC CallableStatement remains how can we declare a variable in cursor in postgresql. I have created the below procedure. A refcursor is in PostgreSQL > terms a 'hande' to a set, not a DataTable the way you are Out parameters are parameters passed to a SQL stored procedure that the procedure writes to. Why isn't fetch showing data from refcursor in Postgres? 1. I have prepared two different function one is “plpgsql” and the other is “sql” I'm using Ref Cursor as output parameter for PLSQL Procedure. 1. // get cursor and cast it to ResultSet String var = callableStatement. Hot Network Questions Distance of the common center of mass (earth + sun) to To fetch results from a refcursor you must have the cursor's name. This method can take a DataSet and a cursor. How to return multiple ref cursor from PostgreSQL? 1. Example: Returning a REF CURSOR from a procedure (PL/SQL) The cursor variable is specified as an IN OUT parameter so that the result set is made available to the caller of the procedure: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE emp_by_job ( p_job Important: Calling an Oracle stored procedure requires the use of a Reference Cursor as an OUT parameter. What is the best way to convert it to equivalent in PostgreSQL. DatabaseException To call procedures using a java. Hello all, I writing some generic library for Jenkins which handles JDBC connections. ("<spName>", new { param1="test", IO_CURSOR = new OracleRefCursorParam("IO_CURSOR") }, commandType: My database is a PostgreSQL 9. Actually, you can The problem isn't out parameters, it's cursor types as parameters. Declare curs3 CURSOR (key integer) FOR SELECT * FROM tenk1 WHERE unique1 = key; But when I input Why would you want to? Presumably, if you are selecting three columns in your cursor declaration, you need all three columns in your code, so you would need to fetch all three columns into three separate local variables, i. 2 answers. > You probably want The nice thing about a cursor reference is that you can pass the reference to another function, or you can return a reference to the caller. Is having RefCursor as an OUT parameter of a Postgresql Im a new bies in postgresql and pgadmin. Why SQLines. If you don't want to assign the name, simply cast the function result to text, that will give you the cursor name. The screen shot below shows a simple stored procedure that plpgsql - How to return out parameter and ref cursor from stored procedure? 1. In your code comment,-- Load the entire contents of the cursor into memory and pray it fits. C# + Pl/SQL Problem with out parameter in stored How to call an Oracle function with a Ref Cursor as Out-parameter from C#? 6. Oracle uses an out parameter. After cou have called the function, you can run the SQL statement. A cursor variable is a reference to a cursor, which How can I keep a result set without keeping the transaction open? The following documentation describes how to see the refcursor returned from a function, here, like this: CREATE PostgreSQL also supports REFCURSOR but it is an IN parameter containing the cursor name, and the actual REFCURSOR value is returned using the RETURN statement: PostgreSQL: > For a function with >1 out parameters, the output type is a record. You can't actually give a DataReader to this method, but you can After some experimenting it seems like PostgreSQL behaves like this: Fetching many rows with SELECT * FROM large will not create a temporary file on the server side, the data are streamed as they are scanned. Ask Question Asked 2 years, 10 months ago. Since PostgreSQL 11, it supports stored procedures with create procedure command instead of create function. – OPEN unbound_cursorvar [[NO ] SCROLL ] FOR query; . ) – user330315 Is having RefCursor as an OUT parameter of a Postgresql function, allowed? 0. How could I create such a function? >> > > Your question is a little opaque to me. BeginTransaction(); //create the command and add all the parameters, command type, etc Im trying to migrate an oracle procedure to a postgresql function. v20160829-44060b6): org. > Your function returns (int, refcursor, refcursor) as defined. Using REF CURSORs is one of the most powerful, flexible, and scalable ways to return query results from an Oracle Database to a client application. 2. In PostgreSQL, a cursor is a database object that allows you to traverse the result set of a query one row at a time. dept%ROWTYPE; PostgreSQL use PL/pgSQL like Oracle with PL/SQL, so, to call a Store Procedure with OUTIN parameter, we need envolved the calling and the variable in Anonymous Block with "do" and "$$" DO in PostgreSQL. CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE ENTITY_PKG IS TYPE EntityCursor IS REF CURSOR; PROCEDURE StoredProc ( I_INPUT_ONE IN ENTITIES. NET as a ReturnValue Parameter, without using a Stored Function or Procedure? 0. eclipse. Ask Question Asked 5 years, 1 month ago. The cursor variable is opened and given the specified query to execute. CALL As the documentation describes here, I need to declare a cursor that accepts arguments at OPEN time. 4. Tom Tom. Share. You can open the same cursor variable a number of times with the OPEN FOR statement containing different queries each Need to access a procedure that return setof refcursor from PostgreSQL. It's almost always better to use the implicit cursor of a FOR loop than to resort to a somewhat slower and unwieldy explicit cursor. 7. Is having RefCursor as an OUT parameter of a OPEN unbound_cursorvar [[NO ] SCROLL ] FOR query; . My query looks something similar to: DECLARE cur CURSOR (argName character varying) FOR SELECT * If you want to print all the columns in your select clause you can go with the autoprint command. //transaction is needed to keep unnamed portal 1 var transaction = npgsqlConnection. A cursor variable isn't tied to a particular query like a static cursor. I have function and call it. but do declare a return type; a function must declare a return type, further this is not defined as as an OUT parameter. Stored procedures with IN and OUT parameters. ". This feature was dropped from Npgsql 3. execute is also a SQL*Plus command and is not used in PL/SQL. So ref-cursor; Share. Cursors are not visible inside the command. Typically you use an INOUT in a procedure() and do have a return; with a function() you omit the parameter and define it in the declare section, and must have a return type. Postgres pass refcursor output of a procedure to another procedure. About; How to return multiple ref cursor from PostgreSQL? 1. Follow edited Mar 26, 2024 at 9:47. Commented Jul 24, 2018 at 5:41. 3. exceptions. EXECUTE is not a "clause", but a PL/pgSQL command to execute SQL strings. Explicit (unbound) cursor. Example: Returning a REF CURSOR from a procedure (PL/SQL) The cursor variable is specified as an IN OUT parameter so that the result set is made available to the caller of the procedure: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE emp_by_job ( p_job In Oracle I can declare a reference cursor TYPE t_spool IS REF CURSOR RETURN spool%ROWTYPE; and use it to pass a cursor as the return value FUNCTION end_spool RETURN t_spool AS Using procedures and cursors complicates everything and makes it slower. Following method of EntityManager can be used to create an instance of StoredProcedureQuery with resultClasses argument to OPEN unbound_cursorvar [[NO ] SCROLL ] FOR query; . Notice the cursor is not closed in the procedure. create table vtest1 (a number, b number); insert into vtest1 values (1,2); create table temptable1(a number, b number); declare pOUT SYS_REFCURSOR; type vtest1Tab is table of vtest1%rowtype; v_t vtest1Tab; begin open pOUT for 'select * from vtest1'; fetch pOUT bulk collect into v_t; close You can get cursor as a parameter value by Value property or by calling PgSqlDataReader. The fact that you've tried replacing it with an integer would suggest you don't understand what a cursor is. How to return out parameter and ref cursor from stored procedure? 0. Then, on the Npgsql client side, the code snippet above will load the function's parameter (named p_out in this example) into the parameter. The PgSqlDataReader can be retrieved only once. Follow edited May 31, 2021 at 21:07. Dapper stored procedure that includes TableValueParameter. How can I call this in Spring. With Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn about parameter modes of functions including: in, out, and inout. execute(query) for row in cursor: print row To use a returning cursor function execute it as usual: One of our PostgreSQL database developers asked one question: What is the performance difference between RETURNS TABLE and OUT parameters? My simple answer was, no major difference between these two, but RETURNS TABLE is quite faster, easy to write, clear to everyone. Let’s start with a simple Stored routine parameter types have the same constraint as the table and view columns – they should be primitive non-object types. I went through lot of google and stackoverflow but could not find an apt answer. I am having an Oracle Package to be converted to Postgres Equivalent, which is having a cursor declared in it and it is used as input to multiple procedures in it. meta_user_preference_error_test_go(--need to add -- inout o_errcode varchar, inout o_errmsg varchar-- i_l Discarding Value of OUT Parameter of Procedure in Postgresql. The cursor cannot be open already, and it must have been declared as an unbound cursor variable (that is, as a simple refcursor variable). There are many procedures implemented that returns via output parameter a RefCursor. user330315 asked May 31, 2021 at 14:42. plpgsql - How to return out parameter and ref cursor from stored procedure? 0. md DO $$ DECLARE ref refcursor; rec RECORD; BEGIN -- Call the function and get the refcursor ref := get_data_by_id('5482100'); -- Fetch and display the data from the refcursor LOOP FETCH NEXT FROM ref INTO rec; EXIT WHEN NOT FOUND; -- Process the record (for example, printing it out) RAISE NOTICE '%', rec; END LOOP; -- Close the refcursor CLOSE By using PostgreSQL cursor syntax, FROM [cursor_name]; Parameters: '[direction (rows)]': Specifies the direction and number of rows to fetch. Secondly, being a ref-cursor it cannot be set by an assignment How can i use two cursor , one based on the output of the other ? basically what i'm trying to get is replace all the status that equal 'S' with the previous values of status. I have also searched through stack overflow but the only similar questions refer to functions where a ref cursor is returned rather than used as a parameter for a procedure. Now, when you FETCH from next_row, you'll get a row from the tapes table. The query is treated in You got exactly what you wanted – four cursors. How to call that procedure from python with out parameter? First of all, here is some documentation that could be useful: Npgsql doc In this documentation you'll find a NpgsqlDataAdapter. Viewed 1k times 0 . NET 3. How can a stored procedure be executed in Oracle with in and out It is unclear to me why do you require a second REF CURSOR as an OUT parameter, when the curMyCursor itself could be passed. INSERT INTO t_tab SELECT /* your original query */; Share. Just like this: string schema = server. elsyt bxkdrc bymj qht gewrl yajxze czih tvc lmvc ydkdd